聽力第 一套
Conversation One
M: Hi Lily, how's the new apartment?
W: It's okay.
M:What? How can it be just okaywhen last week you were thrilledabout the place and keptnosting photos of it online?
W:Well,【1】 last week whenfmoved in, the apartment seemed cozy, justthe right size forone person. But nowit just seems tiny, shabby and solitary.
M: Al that's the problem. You missyour roommates from university,don't you?
W: I'm going to sound like G idiot【2】because Iused to complain to youall the time about how crowded ourdormitory room was, and about allthe things they did to irritate me, likewatching movies late at night withoutheadphones, or talking loudly early inthe morning. But now Imiss themterribly.
M: Of course you do. That's perfectlynormal. When I got my first place,Iremember thinking I could ti wait tolive by myself and get away from myjuvenile roommates and all their annoyipghabits.【3】 But then began issing them and feelinglonely and thinking that our dormitory was like paradise. Even though there were six of us guys inone small room.
W: I thought it was just m who reltlike thiat.