領域: 芭蕾舞培訓、舞蹈培訓
教授: 俄羅斯芭蕾成人課、俄羅斯芭蕾、芭蕾民族舞(軟開+劇目)、芭蕾舞(形體+現(xiàn)代)
My parents noticed that I really enjoyed dancing and brought me to a children's ballet studio at
the age of 5. It was a great time.
2005 - admission to the choreographic college with a degree in a ballet dancer. I always liked
the character and temperamental parts of ballets. The technique of turning (fouette and
pirouettes) was given easily by nature.
Upon graduation, I received an honors degree.
In 2010 I was accepted into the ballet troupe in the Krasnodar Philharmonic. I performed the
parts in ballets: "Sleeping Beauty", "Carmen", "Legend of Love".
In 2011 I entered The Moscow State University of Culture and Art for studying "Methods of
teaching choreographic disciplines"
2016- graduation from the University in the specialty: The Head of the choreographic team,
2014 - 16 collaborated with Moscow theaters "Great Russian Ballet" for ballet tours in America
and Canada with performances: “Swan Lake”, “Nutcracker”, “Romeo and Juliet”.
Since 2016, the head of the school of ballet. In 2017 and 2019, children's and adult groups are
winners in the international competition "Young Talents".
【詳情】 北京洛娃芭蕾文化藝術中心成立于2017年,一直專注于芭蕾教育,引進瓦崗諾娃古典芭蕾教學體系和教學資源,普及專業(yè)芭蕾國際教育理念,俄羅斯外教親授(英文教學),同步提升藝術修養(yǎng)與口語交流能力。每年寒暑假會組織游學活動,親臨圣彼得堡“瓦崗諾娃舞蹈學院“體驗芭蕾大師課,頒發(fā)本部結業(yè)證書推薦參加國際舞蹈比賽及國內商業(yè)演出。